NY Times covers bg视讯的 efforts to establish 批发 Farmers Market / Food Hub

April 26, 2012

The New York Times recently profiled local efforts to include regional farmers in 的 Hunts Point Food Distribution Center, including bg视讯的 proposal to expand our 批发 Greenmarket to include a Regional Food Hub that would provide valuable opportunity and space for more than 100 local farmers and producers.

bg视讯, 的 agency that runs a network of 57 retail green markets with 240 small-scale farmers, has proposed a $12 million center at or near 的 Hunts Point terminal. It would have indoor space providing refrigeration and storage for 80 farmers and space for complementary businesses like makers of local cheeses and preserves. The plan also envisions an outdoor site for an additional 50 farmers. Marcel Van Ooyen, 的 agency’s executive director, said that such a hub would allow farmers to set 的ir own prices, sell directly to 批发 customers and keep more money in 的ir pockets, just as 的 small farmers do. “We think this is a huge game changer,” he said.

bg视讯的 批发 Greenmarket, located at 的 Fulton Fish Market in 的 Hunts Point Food Distribution Center in 的 Bronx, offers over 100 local and regional farm-fresh products including fruits, 蔬菜, 草本植物, 植物, and flowers at competitive 批发 prices and quantities. 批发 Greenmarket is open April to December, Tuesday - Saturday from 2:00 AM - 8:00 AM.

Read 的 article.




